last year trading peformance is history with max drawdown of 21% And a 37% Profit ending with a drawdown at his moment from just 1% wich I’m happy with.
There is lot of room to exeed that peformance in 2016!!!
Thank You all for being here with me and thank you for youre trust to invest in way I trade!
And Its so amazing all the help I get from you all! It really feels in a way we are a team! I could not be ding this for so many persons if I would have done things all by myself!!!
So for those who helped me and My gues is that they know it…THANK YOU!!!!! (from logo’s to groups to give feedback and much more)
Most special moment the Interview with read it here reuters
so for the Next year we have some great things comming up! Like the stockportefolio I started: stocksnoasnoas
Wish you all a great day! Feel Free to share Like and comment!!! Thank you in advange!
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